
Showing posts from May, 2014

What is "Medi-Cupping" and the Importance of "Lymphatic Drainage"?

THE IMPORTANCE OF LYMPH DRAINAGE AND FLOW UNDER THE SKIN VIEW FULL WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION We all know that exercise and eating right have many benefits for our bodies, especially as we age. We have also all heard the hype about lipo lasers, shots and all sorts of crazy things to help eliminate cellulite and stubborn fatty areas. Did you know that much of this "sluggish" debris is actually stagnant Lymph?  The blood is always circulating due to the heart constantly pumping it.  The lymph system doesnt have a heart pump to keep it moving and flowing efficiently. Medi-Cupping is a treatment which I offer that will get the lymph fluid moving and clear debris to exit through lymph nodes.   In my opinion, cellulite is an accumulation of toxins that the body is unable to process because of the foreign bodies in it (ie. aspartame, chemicals, etc.) as well as just not circulating due to lack of motion (sitting, etc.).  Think of it this way - Our blood has a "pump&